

Daily Vocabulary(2025/02/23)

2025年02月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
32706.affection(愛情、愛着 a feeling of liking or love and caring 類義語 fondness 
There are many way to show affection.
 32707.pose (問題などを引き起こす、もたらす)to exist in a way that may cause a problem, danger, difficulty etc 
What kind of threats do alien fish species pose
32708.imminent (今にも起ころうとしている、迫りくる)an event that is imminent, especially an unpleasant one, will happen very soon 
A major transformation in education is imminent.
32709.neutralize((…を)無効にする、(…の)効力を消す、(…を)中和する、中立化する  to prevent something from having any effect 類義語 balance out  
As a guard, it's my job to neutralize anything that might pose an imminent threat.
Did you hear that Jun and Nozomi are a thing?

