32026.take out (取り出す)
Let's take out the noodles now.
32027.scoop(すくう,すくい上げる,すくい出す )to pick something up or remove it using a scoop or a spoon, or your curved hand
Let's take out the noodles now.
32027.scoop(すくう,すくい上げる,すくい出す )to pick something up or remove it using a scoop or a spoon, or your curved hand
Scoop our some rice.
32028.put on(載せる)
Put it on the rice.
32029.conveyor-belt sushi(回転すし)
We went to a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant
33030.heat up(温める) to become warm or hot, or to make something become warm or hot
We went to a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant
33030.heat up(温める) to become warm or hot, or to make something become warm or hot
I'll heat up these leftover..