1061.human resources(人的資源、人材)
I have already been interviewed by their Human Resources head in New York.
1062.sign up(契約書に署名する)
You should read a fine print before you sign up for anything.
1063.burn one's bridges(退路を断つ)
You should remain on good terms because you don't want to burn your bridges.
1064.tempting (誘惑する、魅力的な、誘惑的な)
It's a tempting offer, but I still have to decline it.
1065.game plan(戦略、作戦、行動方針)
Developing a game plan is the equivalent of writing a new novel.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
I have already been interviewed by their Human Resources head in New York.
1062.sign up(契約書に署名する)
You should read a fine print before you sign up for anything.
1063.burn one's bridges(退路を断つ)
You should remain on good terms because you don't want to burn your bridges.
1064.tempting (誘惑する、魅力的な、誘惑的な)
It's a tempting offer, but I still have to decline it.
1065.game plan(戦略、作戦、行動方針)
Developing a game plan is the equivalent of writing a new novel.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News