31616.now or never (今しなければチャンスは二度とこない)used to say that if someone does not do something now, they will not get another chance to do it
It’s now or never. You will newer get a better chance to travel.
31617.seize the day (今を生きる、今を楽しんでください)
It’s now or never. You will newer get a better chance to travel.
31617.seize the day (今を生きる、今を楽しんでください)
Seize the day.
31618.fortune favors the bold(運は勇敢な者の味方をする)
There is no time like the present.GO for it. Fortune favors the bold, you know..
31619.in a pinch (切羽詰まった状態、まさかのとき )
I like the challenge of making dinner in a pinch..
I like the challenge of making dinner in a pinch..
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