

GOOGLE OFFERS IMAGES OF 3/11-HIT AREAS被災地の最新画像 グーグルマップで公開

2016年03月24日 | 爺英語

It's been five years since a massive earthquake and tsunami devastated northeastern Japan. Google has released recent images of these areas.
The Internet giant's "street view" function on Wednesday began offering 360-degree digital photos of coastal areas in 82 municipalities.

(Wakaba Ohkura / Google)
"We hope the photos will give people all over the world the opportunity to compare the past and present images of the affected areas and think about the region's recovery."

Viewers now can see images of the areas taken just after the disaster as well as those taken during the reconstruction process. Images of Namie Town, near the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, show damaged buildings left as they are. The town was designated a no-entry zone after the nuclear accident.

municipality  地方自治体、市区町村
designate  指定する、指名する

Daily Vocabulary(2016/03/24)

2016年03月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
17931..That figures(なるほど)
That figures.
17932.That explains it(なるほど)
That explains it.
17933.That ring a bell(それでピンと来ました)
That ring a bell.
17934.It'e too good to be true(そんなうまい話はありませんよ)
It'e too good to be true.
17935.I told you(だから言ったでしょう)
I told you.
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