24526.Do whatever it takes(必要なことは何でもする / どんな手段でも取る)
We are going to do whatever it takes to win this game!
24527.blood drive(献血)
Thanks for helping out with our first corporate blood drive.
24528.aside from(~を除いて)except for
He dislikes all fruit aside from melon.
24529.well-timed(タイミングが良い、時宜を得た)said or done at the most suitable moment 類義語 timely
Our campaign was very well-timed.
24530.brood transfusion the process of putting blood into someone’s body as a medical treatment
We should never forget that someone needs a blood transfusion every three seconds.
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24521.chunk (大きい塊・かなりの量) a large thick piece of something that does not have an even shape
Can you cut these vegetables into large chunks?
24522.a good amount of (かなり)
It takes a good amount of time to become fluent in a foreign language.
24523.That went over my head (全然理解できない / ちんぷんかんぷん)
Woah! You've completely lost me. That went over my head. .
24524.It/That doesn't make sense (筋が通っていない / 意味不明 )
What he's saying doesn't make sense.
24525.You've lost me . (話についていけません)
I'm sorry. You've lost me.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
24516.have a big argument (大げんかする)
I'm feeling a little down because I had a big argument with my boyfriend.
24517.have a big mouth (口が軽い、おしゃべり)
My sister has such a big mouth. She tells mom everything.
24518.talk big (ホラを吹く / 得意げに話す / 大口を叩く)
You sure talk big for someone that hasn't accomplished anything.
24519.minimalist (最小限主義者; ミニマリスト)
She’s trying to become a minimalist. She decluttered her entire house.
24520.A out of B (BのうちA)
4 out of my 5 friends are single.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
24511.fall ill(病気になる) to be much better than other similar people or things
We had to put off going to Hawaii because my father fell ill.
24512.show off (見せびらかす) off to show something to a lot of people because you are very proud of it
Carol loves to show off her soccer skills.
24513.look into (詳しく調べる)to try to find out the truth about a problem, crime etc in order to solve it 類義語 investigate
I’m looking into getting a new camera. Do you have any recommendations?
24514.lenient (寛大な )not strict in the way you punish someone or in the standard you expect
Not really. My parents were pretty lenient about curfew.
24515.from time to time (時々)sometimes, but not regularly or very often
I crave a hamburger from time to time. I haven’t had one in a while though.
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24506.to the letter paying exact attention to the details of something
You will follow my instruction s to the letter.
24507.cut down on(~を減らす)to reduce the amount of something
You need to cut down fried foods.
24508.rule out(除外する)to decide that something is not possible or suitable
We can't rule out possibility.
24509.help ~out(~を助け出す)
My friend help me out when I was in deep trouble.
24510.go out of control(コントロールがきかない)
My kids are great, but sometimes they go out of control.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
People in Japan are mourning the death of former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, who died on Friday at the age of 101. He is known for carrying out dramatic administrative reforms and promoting ties with the United States.
Nakasone won a seat in the Lower House in 1947. He held the seat for 20 consecutive terms. He became prime minister in 1982 and served for nearly five years.
During his time in office, Nakasone privatized a number of public corporations, including railway and telecommunications. He also forged a strong friendship with then U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
During Nakasone's tenure, Japan's relations with China improved. In 1983, the Chinese Communist Party's general secretary, Hu Yaobang, became the first top leader of the party to visit Japan.
◆privatize 民営化する
◆forge 築く、構築する
24501.efficient(能率的な、効率のいい、(むだなく効果的に仕事をする意味で)有能な )if someone or something is efficient, they work well without wasting time, money, or energy OPP inefficient
She is feeling down after the boss told her she needed to be more efficient.
248502.show up(現れる) informal to arrive, especially at the place where someone is waiting for you 類義語 turn up
She eventually showed up just before midnight..
24503.look into (詳しく調べる )to try to find out the truth about a problem, crime etc in order to solve it 類義語 investigate
Let me look into it a little bit more. I'll get back to you by tomorrow.
24504.I'm between jobs (失業中)
I'm between jobs right now. I actually have a job interview tomorrow.
24505.pretty soon (そろそろ)
I need to start job hunting pretty soon.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
24496.cheer up to become less sad, or to make someone feel less sad
Your letter really cheered me up.
24497.finish up British English informal to get into a particular state or situation as the result of what you have done, especially without planning or expecting it
Let's finish up quickly,Then we can go for drink..
24498.freshen up(さっぱりする)to wash your hands and face in order to feel clean and comfortable
Let me just freshen up before we go out,OK?.
24499.Leave it to me(私に任せて)
Leave it to me.
24500.ups and downs(上がり下がり)informal the mixture of good and bad experiences that happen in any situation or relationship
Everyone has emotional ups and downs.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
夜霧のしのび逢い/クロード・チアリ/La Playa/Claude Ciari
24491.assign (~を割り当てる) to give someone a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing
Before we get started, we need to assign a role for everyone.
24492.revamp (改良する / 改訂する)informal to change something in order to improve it and make it seem more modern
I think it needs some revamping. It looks a bit outdated.
24493.fill up(完全に満たす) if a container or place fills up, or if you fill it up, it becomes full
TI need to fill up the car.
24494.shut up(完全に口を閉ざす)
Hey, just shut up will you?.
24495.fatality(不運、不幸、(事故・戦争などによる)死、死者、致死性)a death in an accident or a violent attack
The number of road fatalities went up.
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