思えば遠くへ来たもんだ 海援隊
26311.wait till(~を楽しみに、~したら驚くよ)spoken used when you are excited about telling or showing someone something
Wait till you taste my miso soup!
26312.foul If someone has a foul temper or is in a foul mood, they become angry or violent very suddenly and easily.
If I were you, I wouldn't go see the boss right now. She is in a foul mood.
26313.You might want to(~したほうがいい)
You might want to check weather report before you set off.
26314.no matter what it takes(何が何でも)
I'm going to make my dream come true, no matter what it takes.
26315.pick someone's brain(s)(ある分野に詳しい人に助言を求めること ) to obtain information or ideas from someone
I'd like to pick your brains for a few minutes.
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