


2020年11月04日 | 爺英語

The movie industry may be reeling from the coronavirus crisis, but that hasn't stopped a new anime breaking box office records in Japan.
"Kimetsu no Yaiba," or "Demon Slayer," has earned more than 40 million dollars since its release on Friday.
The movie, adapted from a popular manga, is set in Japan about a century ago. It follows the exploits of a young boy who fights demons.
Distributor Toho says more than 3.4 million people went to see it in theaters in the first three days.
"I wanted to see it opening day, but couldn't get in.
Even Japan's chief cabinet secretary is celebrating the film's success.
(Kato Katsunobu / Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary)
"The entertainment industry is in a very difficult situation with this coronavirus pandemic. So to have a movie drawing a record number of people is, I think, a real boost to the cinema world."

reel from ~で揺らぐ    
break a box office record 興行成績の記録を塗り替える   
adapt  脚色する、翻案する   to prevent someone or something from continuing – used especially in news reports SYN stop 
exploit  思いとどまらせる    to stop someone from doing something, by making them realize it will be difficult or have bad results → deterrent 

Daily Vocabulary(2020/11/04)

2020年11月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
26201.take something to heart((アドバイスや教訓など)を肝に銘じる[真剣に受け止める] )to consider what someone says to you very seriously, often because it upsets you 
We took Stephen’s warnings to heart
26202.be bad at doing(…するのが下手)happening soon
And I'm really bad at making things.
26203.spooky(不気味な)strange or frightening in a way that makes you think of ghosts 
Halloween is the spookiest day of the year. 
26204.get one’s feet wet (新しいことを始める)
I'm doing an internship at a tech company. I’m just trying to get my feet wet in the IT industry. .
26205.late(今は亡き〜 / 亡くなった〜) extremely tired   
My late grandfather was a renowned doctor. 

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