

Daily Vocabulary(2022/02/12)

2022年02月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
28206.That/It never crossed my mind.(考えたこともなかった)
Quitting my job? That never crossed my mind. I love what I do. 
28207.never thought about that/it (考えたことがない)
 I never thought about that but I guess it is possible.  
28208.behind one's back(隠れてこそこそと) something that is top-notch is of the highest quality or standard
Is he seeing somebody behind my back?
28209.location a particular place, especially in relation to other areas, buildings etc 
The location is pretty good
28210.close(近い、惜しい) seeming very likely to happen or very likely to do something soon
You are so close to winning!

Daily Vocabulary(2022/02/11)

2022年02月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
28201.pass on(伝える) to give someone a piece of information that someone else has given to you 
I’ll text you the event information. Can you pass that on to your friends? 
28202.barely(ほとんど〜でない) almost not 類義語 hardly  
I barely slept last night. I'm so sleepy.  
28203.barely(ギリギリで〜 / 辛うじて)only with great difficulty or effort 類義語 only just
I thought we were going to be late. We barely made it.  
28204.inferiority complex a continuous feeling that you are much less important, clever etc than other people 
She has always had an inferiority complex about her looks. 
28205.tragic a tragic event or situation makes you feel very sad, especially because it involves death or suffering
He always looks so depressed! Did something tragic happen to him? 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/02/10)

2022年02月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
28196.I need/have to vent(愚痴る) to express feelings of anger, hatred etc, especially by doing something violent or harmful
Let me know if you need to vent. 
28197.Let off (some) steam / Blow off steam(ストレスを解消する)
I need to blow off some steam. I'm going to go for walk. 
28198.unreliable unable to be trusted or depended on
He is an unreliable person, so I can’t trust him to finish this job. 
28199.irresponsible doing careless things without thinking or worrying about the possible bad results OPP responsible 
When it comes to money, Dan is completely irresponsible
28200.wrap (it) up(仕事や作業を終わりにすること)informal to finish a job, meeting etc
I'll be there as soon as I wrap this up


2022年02月09日 | 爺英語

Executives at some Japanese firms are reacting to the pandemic by adopting more flexible working arrangements.
Those at Panasonic say they'll allow employees who want to work less to put in a four-day week.
Panasonic President Kusumi Yuki says the aim is to support more diversity in work styles. He says some employees might have side jobs, and others may want to pursue studies.
He says he'll discuss the change with the firm's labor unions.
Kusumi says Panasonic will encourage more staff to work remotely. He says it will also give them a choice over whether to accept transfers that require moving to different cities without their families.
The government has said it wants companies to adopt an optional four-day working week. It incorporated the idea in its Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform.
working arrangements  勤務制度、勤務形態    
side job 副業
incorporate  組み込む to include something as part of a group, system, plan etc 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/02/09)

2022年02月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
28191.It is what it is.(どうしようもない、しょうがない )
But no one gets paid. It is what it is
28192.That's life.(世の中そんなもんだよ、仕方がないさ )(also such is life) spoken used to say that something is disappointing but you have to accept it
That's life. You've got to accept it.  
28193.renovate to repair a building or old furniture so that it is in good condition again 
The school building has beden renovated
28194.be on top of(~を把握する)
You can count on her. She’s always on top of everything. 
28195.call it a day(今日はここまでにしておきます)informal to decide to stop working, especially because you have done enough or you are tired
Let's call it a day and go home. 

徒然草 第百三十八段

2022年02月08日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/02/08)

2022年02月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
28186.distraction something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing
I turn off all notifications on my phone when I’m working because it’s a distraction
28187.push the envelope especially American English to try to go beyond the normal limits of something
IEat healthy, exercise and push the envelope in my field of work. 
28188.come back to life(生き返る)
I He died and came back to life again. 
Well, that line is expected by the fans.
28190.frustrating making you feel annoyed, upset, or impatient because you cannot do what you want to do
Why does it take so long to get approved? It’s so frustrating 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/02/07)

2022年02月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
28181.turn around(立て直す / 好転させる / 回復させる)if a business, department etc that is not successful turns around, or if someone turns it around, it starts to be successful
The advertisements on the social media sites turned around the sales. 
28182.let go(解雇する / 辞めさせる) to stop holding something or someone
She was let go after she was caught stealing customer information. 
28183.take the day off(仕事を休む) something that is top-notch is of the highest quality or standard
I'd like to take the day off tomorrow.
28184.take time off(仕事を長期間を休む)time when you are officially allowed not to be at work or studying 
I need to take some time off to take care of my baby.
28185.call in sick (風邪や病気など体調不良を理由に仕事を休むと連絡する)
Brian called in sick. He said he has a fever. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/02/06)

2022年02月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
28176.I beg to differ. spoken formal used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said
I beg to differ. I don't think he's qualified for the management position. 
28177.I don't see it that way(私はそうは思いません)
I don't see it that way. In my opinion, we have to focus on customer service.  
28178.Same here spoken used to say that you feel the same way as someone else
Same here! Let's go eat lunch 
28179.I feel you(分かる!)
I feel you. I wish every weekend was a 3 day weekend. 
28180.greasy covered in grease or oil 類義語 oily
Same here! The food is good, but it’s also so greasy


2022年02月05日 | 読書日記

パット パルマー





Daily Vocabulary(2022/02/05)

2022年02月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
28171.ventilate(換気する、風を通す)to let fresh air into a room, building etc/ formal to express your opinions or feelings about something
When you use the stove, make sure to ventilate the kitchen.
28172.nod off to begin to sleep, usually when you do not intend to and are sitting somewhere
I always nod off on the train ride home.  
28173.video ad informal an advertisement
On the train to school. I nodded off during a video ad.
28174.blockbuster informal a book or film that is very good or successful 
”The Revenge of Max" was a blockbuster.
28175.flop informal if something such as a product, play, or idea flops, it is not successful because people do not like it
”Citizen Kane” was actually a flop when it first came out.