


2024年01月24日 | 爺英語

The day may not be far off when we can look into other people's minds.
A group of Japanese researchers says it's developed a method to reconstruct imagined images from brain activity using generative AI technology.
The researchers recorded people's neural signals as they viewed various images of landscapes and objects.
Then they quantified the physical characteristics of actual images into numeric values and developed a unique program that translates neural signals into numeric values.
The program makes it possible to convert imagined images of landscapes or other objects into numbers.
Artificial intelligence is then able to process those numbers and reproduce the mental images.
The group hopes the findings will lead to the development of new devices that allow the brain to convey people's intentions without using words or gestures.

neural 神経の、神経系の 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/01/24)

2024年01月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
31741.come a long way (大きな発展・進歩・成長を遂げる)to have made a lot of progress 
Computer technology has come a long way since the 1970s. 
31742.know a lot of people  (顔が広い)
John is from this area and he knows a lot of people here. 
31743.sleep in to let yourself sleep later than usual in the morning 
We usually sleep in on Sunday mornings. 
31744.a long way to go  (まだまだ)
I feel like my listening is getting better but I still have ways to go with my speaking. 
31745.revise ((間違いを)訂正する )to change something because of new information or ideas 
Attached is the revised annual report.