The opposition in Ukraine has taken control of government buildings in the central part of the capital, Kiev. President Viktor Yanukovych has fled the city.
Police and security personnel had withdrawn from central Kiev by Saturday morning. The opposition has now taken control of the president's office and government buildings.
Ukraine's parliament voted to effectively remove Yanukovych from his post and hold an early presidential election on May 25th. Members of parliament also voted to free the president's archrival, jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Tymoshenko left a hospital in the eastern part of the country and headed to Kiev. She spoke before tens of thousands of supporters.
(Yulia Tymoshenko / Former Ukrainian Prime Minister)
"We have things to do now. We must not leave here until we see real changes."
Yanukovych is now in Kharkiv, his support base in eastern Ukraine.
◆opposition 反対する存在、野党(勢力)
◆take control of ~を管理下に置く
◆flee 逃げる、~を逃れる
◆personnel (集合的に)要員、職員
◆parliament 議会
◆effectively 事実上
◆archival 最大の競争相手
◆support base 支持基盤