Members of a Japanese NPO have been telling the world about the psychological benefits of karaoke. They showed the United Nations how they've helped tsunami survivors by giving them a chance to sing.
The group invited more than 100 UN employees to experience karaoke themselves. Some gave it a try.
"Music is the soul. If you don't have music when something really bad happens, there's nothing to fall back upon to feel better."
NPO members gave a report on their work. They joined hands with a firm that makes karaoke machines and turned a truck into a mobile music booth. They've been taking the truck to temporary housing complexes since January 2012 and giving residents a chance to sing.
A group member said singing out loud helps relieve the stress of spending a long time in temporary homes. He said he'd like to share the mental health benefits of karaoke with people around the world.
◆survivor 生き延びた人々、生存者
◆give someone a chance to ... 人に~する機会を与える
◆give it a try 試してみる
◆all back upon やむをえず~を頼りにする
◆give a report on ... ~について報告をする
◆join hands with ... ~と手をつなぐ、~と協力する
◆temporary housing complex 仮設住宅が集合した地区
◆resident 住民
◆sing out loud 大きな声で歌う
◆relieve 緩和する、取り除く
◆temporary home仮住まい