Japanese automakers are predicting big numbers of international visitors for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games here in Tokyo. One executive says they're rolling out a next-generation taxi to deal with the rush.
Toyota Motor says its new car will be available from next year. It'll be 20 centimeters taller than the sedan-style taxis that currently cruise Japan's streets. The new one will seat five people and carry two big and two smaller suitcases in the trunk. Current models can carry only two big bags.
It'll also sit lower by five centimeters. That'll make it easier for the elderly and people in wheelchairs.
Nissan Motor has been selling a station wagon-type taxi since 2015. It has got sliding doors and retractable steps for easy access.
◆executive 重役、幹部、管理職
◆roll out (新製品などを)売り出す
◆cruise (タクシーなどが)巡回する、走行する
◆retractable 格納式の、引っ込められる