


2017年01月19日 | 爺英語

You may not realize it, but you could be carrying around some modern art. To see it, all you have to do is look at your phone, or you can check out the Museum of Modern Art's new "emoji" exhibition in New York.
The museum added the original set of 176 emoji to its permanent collection. The pictograms made their debut in 1999 for Japanese mobile provider NTT Docomo. The simple images quickly gained popularity as a way to express emotions on the limited screen space of mobile devices.
A collection specialist at the museum says the designs changed the behavior of people around the world.

check out 調べる、行く、出かける
Museum of Modern Art's ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA) [the]
pictogram  絵文字、象形文字
make one's debut  お目見えする、デビューする
as a way to  ~する手段として

Daily Vocabulary(2017/01/19)

2017年01月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
19256.sneak in(こっそりと~する)
I find myself staying up till about 2 am at night just after she sleeps to sneak in a couple hours of video games.
19257.bucket list(死ぬまでに成し遂げたいこと)
Do you have a bucket list?
19258.get someone wrong(人を誤解する)
Don't get me wrong,but I just don't feel like going out tonight.
19259.turn someone off(人が~に対してやる気をなくす)
My English teacher turned me off from studying English.
I feel ashamed, I feel dirty when I play video games all over.

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