

AGE IS JUST A NUMBER 80代女子バスケチームの青春

2017年08月31日 | 爺英語

Some women in San Diego may have found the fountain of youth. They're in their 80s and 90s, but how they are having fun and staying fit is truly magical.
In Southern California, a group of women have truly found a league of their own.

(Grace Larsen / 91-year-old player)
"To be on our team, our Splash team, you have to be at least 80 years old."

Some on this basketball team are over 90.

(Meg Skinner / 91-year-old player)
"Oh yeah, we play to win. Absolutely."

But not everyone loves this idea.

(Joanne Jansen / 82-year-old player)
"When I told my brothers, they said they'll put you away."

(Marge Carl / 87-year-old player)
"You could break an arm and break a leg."

(Joanne Jansen / 82-year-old player)
"And I said, I'm going to play anyway."

When they were kids, sports were mostly for boys.

(Grace Larsen / 91-year-old player)
"Growing up, we didn't have sports like the girls do today. We didn't have the opportunity to play."

And now they're finding fans. On the Facebook page of our partners espnW, nearly eight million have watched these hoop dreams become a reality.

(Marge Carl / 87-year-old player)
"You only have one life, what the hell. Go for it. Go for it. Keep moving."

hair trigger 若さの泉
stay fit 健康を維持する
hoop バスケの(くだけた米語)

Daily Vocabulary(2017/08/31)

2017年08月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
20351.I'm here for(~の為に参りました)
I'm here for the hula class.
20352.get in the way(邪魔になる)
I'm the world's worst dancer. I'd just get in the way.
20353.If you twist my arm(どうしてもというなら)
If you twist my arm.
20354.big hand(拍手)
Give the gentleman a big hand.
20355.as of(~という時点から)
As of this morning. And I took a hula lesson with my wife.

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