

Daily Vocabulary(2018/02/08)

2018年02月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
21151.Maybe(多分 / かもしれない / もしかすると(可能性:30%~50%))
It’s getting cloudy. Maybe we should bring an umbrella.
21152.probably(十中八九高い確率で / きっと(可能性:50%以上))
The sky is getting dark, so it will probably rain today.
21153.Possibly(もしかすると / ひょっとしたら(可能性:50%以下))
Possibly, though their opposition is quite strong too.
21154.Bar hop(はしごする・飲み歩く)
We went bar hopping yesterday.
21155.It makes no difference(どっちでもいいよ)
It makes no difference. It's up to you.

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