

Daily Vocabulary(2018/02/15)

2018年02月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
21186.Have a good one!(良い1日を!)
See you later! Have a good one!
21187.Enjoy the rest of your day!(残りの1日を楽しんでください)
I've got to get going. Enjoy the rest of your day!
21188.Catch you later!(じゃあ、また後でね!)
Catch you later! Have a good one!
21189.Take care!(元気でね・気をつけて・お大事に)
I hope you get better soon. Take care!
21190.Take it easy!(気楽にね!じゃあね!)
Call me when you finish work tonight. Take it easy!

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
