『悲しみは駈け足でやってくる』 アン真理子 明日という字は明るい日と・・・・・
22056.(That's) too bad(気の毒な / 残念な)
You don't like this music? Well, too bad! I'm the driver. I'm going to listen to what I want to.
22057.Scheduled for(〜に予定されている)
Your interview is scheduled for Wednesday, June 21st at 10am.
22058.Scheduled to(〜する予定になっている)
She is scheduled to give a speech at the event next week.
22059.on schedule(予定通り)
You should check online to see if the flight is on schedule.
22060.behind schedule(予定より遅れている)
We are a few days behind schedule but we'll get it done by the end of the week.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

You don't like this music? Well, too bad! I'm the driver. I'm going to listen to what I want to.
22057.Scheduled for(〜に予定されている)
Your interview is scheduled for Wednesday, June 21st at 10am.
22058.Scheduled to(〜する予定になっている)
She is scheduled to give a speech at the event next week.
22059.on schedule(予定通り)
You should check online to see if the flight is on schedule.
22060.behind schedule(予定より遅れている)
We are a few days behind schedule but we'll get it done by the end of the week.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News