弦楽のためのアダージョ / Adagio for Strings Op.11 / Samuel Barber
That guy on the phone is so annoying.
22112.Bug (someone)(うざい/うっとうしい)
Please stop bugging me.
22113.Get on (someone’s) nerves(イライラさせる/イラつく/腹が立つ)
She really gets on my nerves.
22114.thick and thin(良いときも悪いときも;どんなときも)
Good friends are those who stick together thick and thin.
22115.delinquent( 過失を犯した、非行の、非行者の、非行少年の(ような)、怠慢な、義務不履行の、滞納の)
MY cousin is a delinquent kid.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

That guy on the phone is so annoying.
22112.Bug (someone)(うざい/うっとうしい)
Please stop bugging me.
22113.Get on (someone’s) nerves(イライラさせる/イラつく/腹が立つ)
She really gets on my nerves.
22114.thick and thin(良いときも悪いときも;どんなときも)
Good friends are those who stick together thick and thin.
22115.delinquent( 過失を犯した、非行の、非行者の、非行少年の(ような)、怠慢な、義務不履行の、滞納の)
MY cousin is a delinquent kid.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News