

Daily Vocabulary(2018/08/24)

2018年08月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
22131.Down to earth(分別のある)
I like her because she is down to earth.
22132.laid-back(のんびりした人 / おおらかな人)
My dad is laid-back. He's really easy to talk to.
22133.go-getter.(やり手 / なんでも進んでやる人 / 野心家)
She's a real go-getter full of ambition
22134.happy-go-lucky(のんきな人 / 楽天的)
He is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy.
22135.class act(一流の人 / 立派な人)
I really respect coach Jones. He’s a real class act.

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