

Daily Vocabulary(2018/08/27)

2018年08月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
22146.Have someone's back(人を守る・助ける / 〜の味方をする)
My friends and family have my back no matter what.
22147.Stab someone in the back(人を裏切る)
How can you stab me in the back? I thought we were best friends?
22148.as usual.(いつも通り)
As usual, he was grumpy.
22149.as always(いつも通り,若干頻度が高い肯定的)
You look great as always!
22150.as ever(いつもより〜)
I feel as healthy as ever.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
