23231.reputation(評判、名声) the opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the past
She has a reputation for being nice to every one
23232.evaluate (評価する、査定する)to judge how good, useful, or successful something is
We need to evaluate the success of the campaign.
23233.criticize(批判する、非難する)to express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults
I don't criticize people I don't know well.
22234.controversial(物議をかもす、論争の的になる)causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being discussed
He deleted his controversial post.
23235.complex(複雑な、入り組んだ)consisting of many different parts and often difficult to understand
I set a complex password to protect my account
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