

Daily Vocabulary(2019/04/11)

2019年04月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
23271.void((…が)まったくなくて、欠けて、空(から)の、空(くう)の、空虚な、あいた、欠員の、法的効力のない、無効の )a feeling of great sadness that you have when someone you love dies or when something is taken from you  
Her words were wholly void of meaning.
23272.invalid(病弱な、病身の、病人向きの、論拠薄弱な、説得力のない、無効な ) a contract, ticket, claim etc that is invalid is not legally or officially acceptable
Without the right date stamped on it, your ticket will be invalid.
23273.get to(~着く)
I got to the station by 3:00 and have been waiting for my friend. 
23274.Who cares? (誰も気にしていない )
Who cares? We're just going to the gym. 
23275.So what? (それがどうした? )
So what? Don't worry about it. It's not the end of the world. 
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