23241.age-old (昔から〜 ) having existed for a very long time
This is an age-old family custom that’s been passed down for generations.
23242.to an extent (ある程度 )
Cutting carbs will help you lose weight to some extent. Is that really healthy though?
23243.stable (安定した )steady and not likely to move or change
I want to have a stable career before I get married.
22244.keep food on the table (生計を立てる
I’m working three jobs so I can put food on the table for my family.
23245.hassle (目的達成までのプロセスが長く、手間がかかるために「面倒くさいこと」 )spoken something that is annoying, because it causes problems or is difficult to do
Getting rid of over-sized garbage in Japan is a hassle.
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