23251.This is my _____ year. (入社◯◯年目です )
I've been here for a while now. This is my 10th year.
23252. I've been (working) here for _____ year(s). (ここで_____年間働いています )
I've only been with them for less than a year. I still have a lot to learn.
23253. _____ is something else (〜って変わっている )
I had dancing squid bowl last night. Now that was something else. .
22254. _____ is something else (~は素晴らしい、別格、最高 / 最悪 )
I’ve experienced some bad traffic, but this is something else.
23255.be supposed to(~することになっている)claimed by other people to be true or real, although you do not think they are right
We are supposed to meet at Kichijoji..
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