

Daily Vocabulary(2019/04/29)

2019年04月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
23361.garbage(生ごみ、残飯、ごみ、がらくた、廃物、つまらぬもの、くだらぬ考え、不要データ )especially American English waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away 
Can you take out the garbage when you go? 
23362.genius(天才)a very high level of intelligence, mental skill, or ability, which only a few people have 
He is not genius at all.
23363.quaint(風変わりでおもしろい、古風で趣のある )unusual and attractive, especially in an old-fashioned way 
Nara is a quaint-looking city. 
23364.revise  ((間違いを)訂正する )to change a piece of writing by adding new information, making improvements, or correcting mistakes
Can you revise my essay?
23365.modify (修正する、(部分的に)変更する ) to make small changes to something in order to improve it and make it more suitable or effective 
I modified the computers per your request.
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