25656.sunburn(日焼けする)If someone has sunburn, their skin is bright pink and sore because they have spent too much time in hot sunshine.
You’re going to get sun burned. You should put on sunscreen.
25657.suntan((いい感じに)日焼けする)If you have a suntan, the sun has turned your skin an attractive brown colour.
You got suntanned! Did you go to the beach or something?
25658.freak out (パニクる/ あたふたする/ ビビる)
He’s freaking out because he lost his passport.
25659.or something(~か何か)
Would you like a drink or something? I have beer, wine, tea and coke
25660.concluding remarks(閉会の辞)
After answering you question, I’ll make a few concluding remarks.
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