

Daily Vocabulary(2020/07/22)

2020年07月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
25681.glimpse(一見、ひと目、ちらりと見えること)If you glimpse someone or something, you see them very briefly and not very well. 
I only glimpsed him, but I'm sure it was that famous Chiris McVay.
She teaches physics at a university in Stockholm. 
Chris was educated at Oxford University.
25684.instruct(手順やり方を指示する) If you instruct someone to do something, you formally tell them to do it. 
I have instructed the Head of Quality Control to look into the matter.
25685.propose(良く練られた提案をする) If you propose a theory or an explanation, you state that it is possibly or probably true, because it fits in with the evidence that you have considered.  
I propose. a radical downsizing of the company

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