

Daily Vocabulary(2020/07/20)

2020年07月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
25671.One day(One day)One day or some day or one of these days means at some time in the future. 
I'm going to marry her one day.
25672.someday ((漠然とした)いつか )
Someday I want to travel the world.
25673.bigwig(お偉いさん / 大物 / 重要人物)If you refer to an important person as a bigwig, you are being rather disrespectful about them 
The bigwig of my company is in town. I have to show him around LA.
25674.villain(悪党、悪者、(劇・小説の主人公 に対して)悪役 The villain in a novel, film, or play is the main bad character 
My English teacher is giving a lecture on Shakespeare's villains
25675.cause (原因となる)  
Sorry to have caused you so much trouble

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