「愛の夢」弾き直してみた/リスト/Liebestraume No.3/ピアノ/piano/CANACANA
27851.afterward(s)(後で・その後) after an event or time that has already been mentioned
He showed up to the party shortly afterward(s).
27852.later(後で)after the time you are talking about or after the present time
I'm in the middle of something right now. I'll do it later.
27853.bargain(お買得品) something you buy cheaply or for less than its usual price
My mom's really good at finding bargains.
He showed up to the party shortly afterward(s).
27852.later(後で)after the time you are talking about or after the present time
I'm in the middle of something right now. I'll do it later.
27853.bargain(お買得品) something you buy cheaply or for less than its usual price
My mom's really good at finding bargains.
27854.clearance(取り片づけ、(じゃま物・不用物の)除去、排除、整理) the removal of unwanted things from a place
Let's check the clearance section first.
I don't know why Takemura keeps rebelling against his teachers.
I don't know why Takemura keeps rebelling against his teachers.