

Daily Vocabulary(2021/12/12)

2021年12月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
27896.get into(学校に入る)
My son got into UCLA. That was his first choice so he's really excited 
27897.Do you happen to know((もしかして)〜をご存知ですか?・知っていますか? )
Do you happen to know where the closest ATM is? 
27898.You wouldn't happen to know _____, would you? (〜知らないですよね?)
You wouldn't happen to know his phone number, would you
27899.clarify(〜をはっきりさせる)to make something clearer or easier to understand → clarification 
There are too many gray areas in our company regulation. We need to identify those ambiguous rules and clarify them.  
27900.Set(Get) the record straight (事実関係をはっきりとさせる)to tell people the truth about something, because you want to be sure that they understand what the truth really is
I think there is a big misunderstanding and I want to set the record straight. .