


2021年12月29日 | 爺英語

People in the U.S. Midwest and South are cleaning up after tornadoes ravaged their homes and their livelihoods.
Tens of thousands of households and businesses are still without power, water, and gas. At least 88 people were killed. More than 120 have not been accounted for.
Residents of six states saw the first tornadoes hit late Friday.
Kentucky was the hardest hit. More than 1,000 families saw their homes leveled. People across the state have taken in relatives and friends.
Red Cross officials have turned schools and community centers into shelters. They've brought in blankets, clothing, and other necessities donated from local stores.
President Joe Biden has promised federal funds to help those affected by the storms.
ravage  破壊する、大損害を与えるto damage something very badly

Daily Vocabulary(2021/12/29)

2021年12月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
27981.be good at/with(~が得意です)
My sister is not good with crowds
27982.rusty(さびた、さびついた、(使用しないため)鈍くなって) if you are rusty, you are not as good at something as you used to be, because you have not practised it for a long time
My grammar is really rusty.  
27983.informative(勉強になる)providing many useful facts or ideas 
Thank you for the very informative tour!. 
27984.evacuate(引きあげる、撤退させる、撤退する、立ち退く、(…へ)立ち退かせる、避難させる)to send people away from a dangerous place to a safe place 
Several families were evacuated from their homes. . 
27985.extraterrestrial(地球外)a creature that people think may exist on another planet
Maybe the reason scientists have yet to receive signals from extraterrestrial intelligence is because there isn't any extraterrestrial intelligence sending signals.