

Daily Vocabulary(2021/12/23)

2021年12月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
27951.awful(すごい、恐ろしい、すさまじい)very bad or unpleasant 類義語 terrible
This traffic is awful.
27952.terrible(恐ろしい、怖い、ものすごい、ひどい、つらい )extremely severe in a way that causes harm or damage 類義語 horrible, awful
It will be terrible if we miss their first song..
27953.break up with(別れる) if a marriage, group of people, or relationship breaks up, the people in it separate and do not live or work together anymore
I am going to break up with him. 
27954.upset((…を)ひっくり返す、ひっくり返してこぼす、くつがえす、だめにする、狂わす、気を転倒させる、ろうばいさせる、心配させる、心配する、気にする) unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened 
You really upset your rude comment . 
If I were more courageous, I could ask Yumi out.