28451.tolerant(寛大な / 寛容な / 懐が深い)allowing people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing or punishing them OPP intolerant
You need to be a little more tolerant with them. You have to remember, they're still kids.
28452.accepting((他人を)受け入れる / 許容範囲が広い) to take something that someone offers you, or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do OPP refuse
She never judges anybody. She's so accepting.
28453.be the bigger person(度量の大きい人間になりなさい!)to happen or develop in a particular way
Look, I know it's not your fault. But you have to be the bigger person and take the blame.
You need to be a little more tolerant with them. You have to remember, they're still kids.
28452.accepting((他人を)受け入れる / 許容範囲が広い) to take something that someone offers you, or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do OPP refuse
She never judges anybody. She's so accepting.
28453.be the bigger person(度量の大きい人間になりなさい!)to happen or develop in a particular way
Look, I know it's not your fault. But you have to be the bigger person and take the blame.
How long have you been dating him?
28455.going out with(〜と付き合う)
How long have you been going out with her?
28455.going out with(〜と付き合う)
How long have you been going out with her?