

Daily Vocabulary(2022/04/24)

2022年04月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
28556.on the same wavelength (波長が合う)to have the same(or different) opinions and feelings as someone else
I thought it went well. We have a lot in common and I felt like we were on the same wavelength
28557.put on weight (太る)slightly fat in a way that looks healthy and attractive
You're so skinny. You have to put on a little weight
Yeah, he looks a little chubby these days.  
28559.make sure you don't cut corners(手を抜かないように)to save time, money, or energy by doing things quickly and not as carefully as you should 
Don't cut corners to save money. Quality comes first. 
28560.show up(顔を出す / 姿を見せる)
What time do you think Jesse is going to show up