トッカータとフーガ ニ短調 BWV565 (バッハ)
28511.go to sleep/bed(寝る / 眠りにつく / 床に就く)to start sleeping
I'm exhausted. I'm going to go to bed.
28512.fall asleep(寝てしまう / 眠りに落ちる / 寝入る)to begin to sleep
I was going to study English but I fell asleep.
28513.How do you like(〜はどうですか?)
How do you like your new job? Are you getting used to it?
I'm exhausted. I'm going to go to bed.
28512.fall asleep(寝てしまう / 眠りに落ちる / 寝入る)to begin to sleep
I was going to study English but I fell asleep.
28513.How do you like(〜はどうですか?)
How do you like your new job? Are you getting used to it?
28514.bake in the sun(すごく暑い )
I’m baking in the sun. Let’s find a shady spot and rest a little.
28515.cool off(冷める) to return to a normal temperature after being hot
He’s heated right now. Give him some time to cool off.
28515.cool off(冷める) to return to a normal temperature after being hot
He’s heated right now. Give him some time to cool off.