J.S.バッハ: 無伴奏ヴァイオリン・パルティータ第2番:シャコンヌ[ナクソス・クラシック・キュレーション #切ない]
28581.bargain(お買い得品 )something you buy cheaply or for less than its usual price
Three for ten dollars? That’s a bargain. Let’s get it.
28582.in and out (サッと入って、サッと出る )to believe that something is true without making sure
I don’t really like shopping. I’m usually in and out.
28583.roam around (歩き回る )to walk or travel, usually for a long time, with no clear purpose or direction
Since we have 30 minutes to kill, let’s roam around the park.
Three for ten dollars? That’s a bargain. Let’s get it.
28582.in and out (サッと入って、サッと出る )to believe that something is true without making sure
I don’t really like shopping. I’m usually in and out.
28583.roam around (歩き回る )to walk or travel, usually for a long time, with no clear purpose or direction
Since we have 30 minutes to kill, let’s roam around the park.
28584.loathe (〜をひどく嫌う )to hate someone or something very much
I loathe writing essays. I’d rather take tests.
28585.haggle (値切る )to argue when you are trying to agree about the price of something
He’s a smooth talker and a great haggler.
28585.haggle (値切る )to argue when you are trying to agree about the price of something
He’s a smooth talker and a great haggler.