

Daily Vocabulary(2022/08/01)

2022年08月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
29051.look through  (~に目を通す )
I looked through your essay and everything looked good. 
29052.turn over a new leaf  (心機一転する / 気持ちを入れ替える )to change the way you behave and become a better person
He turned over a new leaf and started studying English. 
29053.right up my/your alley (私/あなた好み、得意  )very suitable for someone 
He is very enthusiastic about the new project and is working harder than anyone else in the team.
29054.as of (~時点で、~現在で) on a particular date/from a particular date
As of last year, our company had offices in 13 countries. 
29055.so far (今までのところ、これまで )
Does everything make sense so far?