

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/05)

2023年01月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
29831.come a long way   (大きな発展・進歩・成長を遂げる )to have made a lot of progress 
Congratulations! You have come a long way since opening your first one. 
29832.may(50%程の可能性)  if something may happen or may be true, there is a possibility that it will happen or be true but this is not certain 
He may call you later. 
29833.might (30%程の可能性  )if something might happen or might be true, there is a possibility that it may happen or may be true, but you are not at all certain 
She might join us for dinner tonight. 
29834.Just because~, doesn’t mean~   (〜だからといって〜とは限らない  )
Just because he’s half American, doesn’t mean that he can speak English. 
29835.Just because  (ただ何となく )spoken used to say that, although one thing is true, it does not mean that something else is true 
 I don’t know. Just because. I thought you might like them.