Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
29921.ginseng (高麗ニンジン)
He succeeded in raising ginseng artificially through unremitting efforts.
29922.garlic chive (にら) if a feeling is in the air, a lot of people feel it at the same time / to be going to happen very soon
The Chinese chive has a long history in Chinese and Japanese kitchens.
29923.pharmacist someone whose job is to prepare medicines in a shop or hospital
He succeeded in raising ginseng artificially through unremitting efforts.
29922.garlic chive (にら) if a feeling is in the air, a lot of people feel it at the same time / to be going to happen very soon
The Chinese chive has a long history in Chinese and Japanese kitchens.
29923.pharmacist someone whose job is to prepare medicines in a shop or hospital
The pharmacist has made up the prescribed medicine.
29924.one’s but off (猛烈に〜 )
She is studying her butt off.
29925.prevention (防止)when something bad is stopped from happening
Stores spend more on crime prevention every year.
She is studying her butt off.
29925.prevention (防止)when something bad is stopped from happening
Stores spend more on crime prevention every year.