29861.rechargeable battery (充電池 )to put a new supply of electricity into a battery
I am looking for a rechargeable batteries?
29862.in particular (特に) especially
Are you looking for anything in particular?
29863.limited edition ( 限定版 )a small number of special copies of a book, picture etc which are produced at one time only
I am looking for a rechargeable batteries?
29862.in particular (特に) especially
Are you looking for anything in particular?
29863.limited edition ( 限定版 )a small number of special copies of a book, picture etc which are produced at one time only
Do you have any limited-edition coffee cups?
29864.no more than (〜 しかいない、~に過ぎない)used to say that something is not too much, but exactly right or suitable
There were no more than ten people present.
29865.day-trip (日帰り旅行)a visit to an interesting place when you go there and come back the same day
I’m having a day-trip to NIkko.
There were no more than ten people present.
29865.day-trip (日帰り旅行)a visit to an interesting place when you go there and come back the same day
I’m having a day-trip to NIkko.