


2023年01月18日 | 爺英語

Frozen food also happens to be gaining respect among Japan's dining public.
A restaurant research firm has selected frozen gourmet offerings as the “dish of the year.” This is an award given to foods that symbolize the year's social trends.
Gurunavi Research Institute announced its selection based on internet-search and questionnaire results.
The coronavirus pandemic has prompted more restaurants to freeze their dishes, usually for takeout orders.
The institute explains that many consumers now prefer to dine at home rather than going out.
It notes that many restaurants are using so-called flash-freezers to maintain the taste of their food.
Gurunavi says restaurants have been expanding the variety of their original dishes.
The institute points out that freezing is in line with environmental conservation goals. It says frozen food will likely become an even more important part of people's lives.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/18)

2023年01月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
29896.second to none   (他に比べようもないほど素晴らしい  )to be the best 
The service at that hotel is second to none
29897.out of this world  (天下一品 )informal extremely good, enjoyable etc 
This cheese cake is out of this world
29898.supposed to  (規則による「〜をするはず  )
We are supposed to get 20 days of paid vacation a year.  
29899.supposed to (期待による「〜をするはず」 )
I was supposed to go Christmas shopping yesterday but I watched a movie instead.
29900.supposed to  (一般的に信じられている「〜するものである」 )
Learning a new language is supposed to be challenging.