Quincy Jones - SOUL BOSSA NOVA
30686.drop off(人を降ろす) off to take someone or something to a place by car and leave them there on your way to another place
Can you drop me off at the airport?
30687.turnover(転職率)the rate at which people leave an organization and are replaced by others
Can you drop me off at the airport?
30687.turnover(転職率)the rate at which people leave an organization and are replaced by others
The turnover rate of university graduates within 3 years of joining our company is high as 40%.
30688.close down(閉鎖する) if a company, shop etc closes down or is closed down, it stops operating permanently
All non-essential businesses had to close down due to the coronavirus.
30689.arbitrary(適当に)decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly
Was your choice arbitrary or strategic?
30690.overnight(一晩中)for or during the night /suddenly or surprisingly quickly
Probably the overnight bus. I think a one-way ticket is about 3,000 yen.
Was your choice arbitrary or strategic?
30690.overnight(一晩中)for or during the night /suddenly or surprisingly quickly
Probably the overnight bus. I think a one-way ticket is about 3,000 yen.