


2023年06月14日 | Daily Vocabulary

A long-lost piece of history has been recovered here in Tokyo.
A saber presented by Britain's Queen Victoria to a Japanese samurai has been found after a decades-long search.
The sword features an ivory lion's head attached to the hilt. It was found in an antique storage facility.
The name of the samurai is inscribed on the blade.
Goto Shojiro was among a group of officials escorting Sir Harry Parkes to Kyoto to meet the emperor in 1868, shortly after the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate.
On the way, they were attacked by traditionalists who wanted foreigners expelled from Japan.
Goto was able to disarm the assailants, and Parkes was unharmed.
Queen Victoria sent Goto the sword as a token of Britain's appreciation.
It was found alongside a sheath and belt, as well as a letter from Parkes praising Goto's courage

hilt つか 
inscribed 刻み込む、彫る   
Tokugawa shogunate 徳川幕府  
assailant  襲撃者、攻撃者 
sheath さや  

Daily Vocabulary(2023/06/14)

2023年06月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
30626.to name a few(ニ、三例を挙げると )used when you are mentioning only a small number of people or things as examples of a large group 
I like all kinds of Sports. Baseball, soccer, and tennis, to name a few.
30627.be close to home(身近な存在である )
The winemaking process is close to home for me.
30628.l hate to say it, but(言いたくはないのですが)
I hate to say this, but we decline to participate this time.
30629.illustrious(有名な、著名な、華々しい、輝かしい)famous and admired because of what you have achieved 
These private rooms are varied in size and design, representing the rich heritage of our illustrious history.
30630.be well suited to/for(~に適してる)
The land is well suited for growing soybeans.