【歌の翼にのせて】メンデルスゾーン 全音ピアノピース Mendelssohn/Auf Flugeln des Gesanges (最後に猫が出ます) #弾いてみた #piano #classic
30671.minimize (最小限に評価する)
He’s a humble person that always minimizes himself and gives credit to others.
He’s a humble person that always minimizes himself and gives credit to others.
30672.put up something (掲示する)
You should put up your travel pictures on the wall.
30673.circle of friends(友達の輪 )
Celebrities typically have a tight-knit circle of friends.
For sure get front-row seats. you couldn't regret it.
30675.pair with(よく合う)
I recommend the macaroon. It pair with the tear.
For sure get front-row seats. you couldn't regret it.
30675.pair with(よく合う)
I recommend the macaroon. It pair with the tear.