

Daily Vocabulary(2023/06/29)

2023年06月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
30701.make a difference(影響を及ぼす、変化をもたらす )thorough, complete, and considering all the details 
Changing the color of the wall will surely make a difference in the lighting. 
30702.bring about a change(変化をもたらす)
Paul’s positive attitude brought about a change in his team's enthusiasm.
30703.transform(大きな変化を起こす )to completely change the appearance, form, or character of something or someone, especially in a way that improves it 
The merger transformed the company into a global player..
30704.be willing to(~してもかまわない)
I'm willing to lead the project.
30705.be happy to(喜んで~させてもらう )
I'm happy to take you to the airport.