Artificial intelligence is making inroads into many aspects of our daily lives.
Now Japanese firms are introducing it to the classroom to make learning more engaging for students.
An AI-assisted system launched by Konica Minolta last month analyzes the responses of students using images taken during lessons.
It compiles data on the concentration levels of students based on the direction of their gaze and the way they raise their hands.
Meanwhile, IT company Techno Horizon has developed AI-powered technology that analyzes the emotional state of students.
It's connected to the built-in camera on the tablets students use.
It can tell whether they're excited, bored, or under stress from pulse waves on their foreheads and head movements.
Both technologies would only be used with the consent of both students and their parents.
◆inroad 進出、侵入、浸食
◆engage 人を引きつける、魅力的な