

Basic English Phrases 英語で書こう! SNS、手帳、カード、ボードにも

2023年06月17日 | 読書日記
【 内容】出版社より
Chapter1 気持を表すフレーズ
Chapter2 ノートや手帳に書けるフレーズ
Chapter3 自分の目標や人を励ますポシティブフレーズ
Chapetr4 カードで贈る季節のイベントに合わせたフレーズ
Chapter5 カードで贈るお祝い、報告、お礼、お見舞いのフレーズ

【 監修】
Sara Gally


Daily Vocabulary(2023/06/17)

2023年06月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
By9 a.m.a long line had already formed in front of the rahmen shop. 
30642.reverse(逆、反対)to change something, such as a decision, judgment, or process so that it is the opposite of what it was before 
Can you say the alphabet in reverse.
30643.backfire(裏目に出る ) if a plan or action backfires, it has the opposite effect to the one you intended 
Maiko tried to sneak out of the house, but her plan backfire.
30644.renewable(再生可能な)if an agreement or official document is renewable, you can make it continue for a further period of time after it ends /renewable energy replaces itself naturally, or is easily replaced because there is a large supply of it 
The professor suggested using less electricity and switching to renewable energy.
30645.power plant(発電所) a building where electricity is produced to supply a large area 類義語 power station 
How much electricity does this power plant generate?