

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/24)

2024年03月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
32041.extravagant (浪費する、ぜいたくな )spending or costing a lot of money, especially more than is necessary or more than you can afford 
Bollywood movies often feature extravagant sets and costume
32042.choreography (舞踊術、振りつけ )the art of arranging how dancers should move during a performance 
Bollywood choreography incorporates a wide variety of dance style
32043.prediction(予測、予想、予言)a statement about what you think is going to happen, or the act of making this statement 
The  expert said he couldn't make any prediction s about the election result.
32044.presumably(推定されるように、おそらく)used to say that you think something is probably true 
Presumably, he'll be in the hospital   for a month or so.. 
32045.deposit(鉱床)a layer of a mineral, metal etc that is left in soil or rocks through a natural process 
We need to find new ways of mining deposits