

Daily Vocabulary(2024/03/15)

2024年03月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
31996.ring(s) a bell (~に見覚えがある、聞き覚えがある) if something rings a bell, it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is 
His name doesn't really ring a bell.
31997.capture the heart of (~の心をつかむ)to make someone love you 
Her latest novel has captured the heart of readers across generation. 
31998.one of a kind(唯一無二の、一点物の)the only one of a particular type of thing 
Each plate is hand painted and one of a kind
31999.eye (目をつける、注目する)
Our company is eyeing the potential of South America. 
32000.take notice of(~に注目する)
We should take notice of the growing middle class  in this country.